Saturday 20 October 2012


I haven't had many nails posts lately and that's because I've been getting them done professionally so they hardly ever change.

I have been having acrylic nails because mine never seem to grow and also I can't stand having chipped varnish. In one of my jobs painted nails isn't really allowed but in the other one painted, manicured nails are compulsory - this was causing me a nightmare!

I decided to have acrylics as it meant my nails were always neat and tidy for one job and well the other job couldn't tell me to take them off.

When I got back from my holiday a few weeks ago however the acrylics had caused a lot of damage to my nails as water had got trapped beneath the acrylics and had started an infection :( booo. Now don't get me wrong acrylics are awful for your nails and I was fully aware of this... I didn't realise that they could cause infections!

Therefore I am now no longer an acrylic nail lover.... my lovely nail technician Shannon has been trying to get me away from them for months and I never listened so this was the perfect opportunity for her to get me to try gellux.

Gellux is put on just like a nail varnish but is cured under a uv light so it dries instantly and does not chip, having it on my nails has also helped them grow and not break :) brilliant!

The advert for Gellux boats that it should last 15 days without chipping and dries instantly so it doesn't smudge.

Because of work I haven't been able to try out all the lovely colours on offer but in the new year I'm hoping to be able to take advantage of them.

Today was the second time of having gellux and I decided against french as it gets a bit boring and have hone for a really pale pink instead 

Do you like? I can't wait to try out some more exciting colours!

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